Why Mat Washing is Important

Why Mat Washing is Important

Like any asset in your project, you must protect your access mats. Regular maintenance is necessary to extend the life cycle of access mats and maximize your investment. Mat washing is an essential service to ensure that your access mats are clean, uncontaminated and safe for your crew and the site. At GFI Solutions, we understand the risk of cross-contamination and the safety hazards of using unwashed access mats, which is why we provide a dedicated washing and cleaning service for all access mats. Read on to learn more about the importance of mat washing!

Keeping Access Mats Clean

Access mats are installed to create a smooth temporary road for machines and crew to access the site easily. They are built to withstand that weight and provide the necessary support for equipment and workers, and since they’re designed to be used on uneven terrain, they are bound to be covered in mud, dirt and grime. If left uncleaned, your access mats are at a very high risk of premature failure. The longer dirt and mud stay on access mats, the higher the risk of moisture seeping into the wood. This often results in mould and could cause your mats to snap and break under pressure. By maintaining your access mats and ensuring that you are constantly washing and bleaching them after each project, you increase the longevity of your access mats and keep your equipment and crew safe.

Don’t Risk Contamination

As you probably already know, work sites that involve the transportation or the use of chemicals, fuel or other biohazard materials could very well cause harm to the surrounding environment. When using access mats in different locations, you must ensure that you are not carrying over any materials that could cause contamination or damage to the new terrain. With GFI Solutions’ mat washing services, we ensure that all access mats are thoroughly washed and bleached to remove the risk of cross-contamination. Our mat washing service adheres to both Provincial and Federal safety standards to provide our customers with safe site access mats to be used in their upcoming projects.

Gain The Highest Return Of Investment 

By maintaining your access mats and ensuring that they are regularly washed and cleaned, you extend their life cycle and therefore maximize your investment. As a contractor or project manager, your aim is to stay within the budget and keep the project in scope. Taking advantage of GFI Solutions’ mat washing service allows you to rely confidently on your access mats and ensure that they are fit for your next project.

Comprehensive Site Access Solutions at GFI Solutions

Our team of experts is happy to offer you mat washing, turnkey, installation, delivery, rental and sales service 24/7. We have proudly partnered with many clients across Western Canada to ensure that all their site access needs are met. Contact our team today for more information about our products and services.

Site Access Solutions at GFI

Site Access Solutions at GFI

Access mat is a generic term used to describe a large wooden mat designed to withstand heavy equipment’s weight and safely transport material across uneven surfaces. While this is true to a degree, different access mats are designed for various applications and manufactured using different methods. Below we’ll discuss the different types of access mats you might need in your next project.

What Type of Access Solution Do You Need?

Before calling your supplier, you must first carefully plan out the type of access mats you need. Below are the typical access solutions for remote job sites:

1. Worksite Access Mats

Worksite access mats are typically installed throughout a worksite to create temporary roads for machines and crew. While bolted mats are more commonly known as the traditional access matting solution for uneven terrain, Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) mats have exceeded expectations. CLT mats offer superior performance compared to standard bolted mats and a life cycle generally 3-5 times longer than conventional bolted mats. Using an environmentally friendly adhesive to bond alternating perpendicular layers of wood creates a unique access mat that is 40% lighter and twice as durable as traditional bolted mats. If you’re looking for safe site access mats, you can depend on CLT worksite access mats to offer you the strength and durability you need.

2. Rig Mats

Not all rig mats are created alike. GFI Solutions’ rig mats are also designed using the unique process of Cross Laminated Timber that gives the rig mats unmatched strength. CLT rig mats are designed to equally distribute the weight across the platform rather than on singular pressure points. The use of the environmentally friendly adhesive not only protects the environment and offers a sustainable product, but it also protects the rig mat from any mould that can decrease its life cycle. At GFI Solutions, we are proud to offer a variety of rig mats manufactured in 13-ply, 11-ply, 9-ply and more! We have also worked with customers to customize rig mats and ensure that all their rig mat needs are met.

3. Crane Mats

Crane mats are designed to withstand heavier loads and equipment than other access mats, as they are manufactured using a steel frame to add support. GFI Solutions supplies crane mats that are reliable and safe for any crane operation and transportation, even on the most challenging terrain. We have worked with many partners in the oil & gas, civil, environmental and petrochemical industry to provide them with cost-effective and safe access crane mats.

Rent or Buy Safe Site Access Solutions

At GFI Solutions, we offer mat rental and purchase services to our clients to ensure that they find the safest site access solution at a cost-effective price. We understand the challenges of managing a remote worksite and keeping your project in scope while staying within your budget. We also provide clients with the following services to ensure that all their site access needs are met:

  • Turn-key
  • Delivery and installation
  • Inventory management
  • Planning and consultation
  • Mat Washing

Partner with GFI Solutions for All Your Site Access Solutions 

Contact our 24/7 sales and service support team to learn more about our site access products and services today!

What are CLT Access Mats

What are CLT Access Mats

Managing an industrial project in Western Canada during our harsh winter season can be very challenging, especially when it comes to facilitating the transportation of goods and equipment. Finding reliable access mats to create solid and sturdy temporary roads can be difficult, especially with Canada’s challenging terrain.

At GFI Solutions, our mission is to help customers in all industries overcome the problems currently associated with available matting options. We are proud to introduce Cross Laminated Timber mats that are engineered to be more durable and stronger than current matting options while also being cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Learn more about our CLT products below!

What Are Cross-Laminated Timber Mats?

CLT mats are manufactured using the process of bonding layers of wood perpendicularly with an environmentally friendly adhesive instead of bolts. They are also manufactured using Southern Yellow Pine wood, which is stronger and more sustainable than traditional Douglas Fir. The unique manufacturing process creates reliable CLT mats that are:

Flexible and Strong

CLT mats are designed to offer exceptional strength and flexibility to be able to assist heavy machinery and provide the support needed. Using an adhesive to bond the mats together instead of bolts creates a mat with a smooth surface and without any gaps. This allows the CLT access mat to be more flexible and flex under pressure as heavy weight is equally distributed throughout the surface.

Durable in Tough Conditions

CLT mats also provide superior performance in cold weather as they have been tested in temperatures as low as -70ºF. The adhesive also protects the access mats from any damage that may occur due to moisture, extending their life cycle. When operating in muddy, wet or even icy conditions, GFI’s access mats solid top make transportation safe for your crew and equipment as the mud and snow can be quickly cleared off.

Environmentally Friendly

For those who are looking for a more sustainable choice, CLT access mats are the perfect choice for you. All GFI’s CLT access mats are built with sustainable forest practices, as we only use Southern Yellow Pine wood. Unlike Oak, Southern Yellow Pine is grown to harvestable maturity in 20 years, which minimizes the negative impacts on the environment.

Multiple Options

As GFI Solutions manufactures, supplies, delivers and installs CLT mats, we have an extensive inventory of access mats for all your needs. Our CLT mats are available in 3-ply, 5-ply, 9-ply, and more! We are also able to provide customers with customized CLT mats that adhere to their unique needs.

Rent or Buy

All of GFI’s access mats are available for purchase or rent. We understand that some projects require a certain number of access mats for a short period of time, with no place to store them after completion. Our access mat rental service is designed to give customers peace of mind when it comes to storing and transporting mats wherever they go.

Find CLT Mats at GFI Solutions

At GFI Solutions, you can find a range of site-access products and services for your every need. We offer access mats, rig mats, crane mats, access bridges and more! Contact our team today to learn more!

Temporary Access Solutions For Canada’s Unpredictable Terrain

Temporary Access Solutions For Canada’s Unpredictable Terrain

Unreliable weather can cause great challenges for any worksite, especially with the rapidly changing weather conditions. Canadian terrain is known to be unpredictable as the temperature fluctuates, causing uneven terrain in most remote locations. If you’re facing transportation challenges to and from worksites due to rough terrain, then you’ll probably benefit significantly from GFI’s TerrCross temporary access bridge. Read on to learn more about the benefits of temporary access bridges below!

Do You Need an Access Bridge?

Remote projects usually need all types of site access solutions, including access, rig and crane mats, and temporary access bridges. For instance, those in the petrochemical, oil & gas, construction, mining and forestry industries are constantly faced with logistical problems due to unpredictable terrain. While rig and crane mats can help create temporary roads over rugged terrain, access bridges are essential when it comes to navigating through creeks, major gaps and rivers. Access bridges can either be temporary or permanent, depending on the worksite and the following factors:

  • Ground type
  • Area-specific environmental factors
  • Duration of use
  • Weight capacity needed

Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on building a bridge that only requires access to a specific area for a short period of time, you can easily buy or rent portable and temporary bridge solutions. Access bridges can withstand the weight of a wide range of applications and are efficiently delivered and installed. If you’re facing major gaps, rivers or creeks at your worksite, you should consider installing TerraCross™ Access Bridges.

Why TerraCross™ Access Bridges

Unlike conventional bolted access bridges, the TerraCross™ access bridge is easy to install and lightweight. The unique design of the TerraCross™ bridge facilitates lifting and construction with the heaviest of equipment, including a 200-class excavator and similar applications. The lightweight and portable design of the TerraCross™ access bridge is engineered to lift heavy machines and transport material and can be quickly delivered to the worksite. For your optimal convenience, the TerraCross access bridge can be shipped to your worksite on a single truck to help you stay in scope and increase savings. At GFI Solutions, we offer our customers the following TerraCross™ access bridges:


  • Weight Limit: 100 tons
  • Maximum Spanning Distance: 35′
  • Total Length: 40′
  • Matting: TerraLam® 500 bearing mats and TerraLam® 700 decking


  • Weight Limit: 65 tons
  • Maximum Spanning Distance: 50′
  • Total Length: 56′
  • Matting: TerraLam® 500 bearing mats and TerraLam® 700 decking

Find The Right TerraCross™ Access Bridge For You At GFI Solutions

Working in a remote job site has many challenges, which is why at GFI solutions, we are available for all your access needs 24/7. Our team is always available to provide you with a variety of access products and services throughout Western Canada. Contact us today, and let us support your next project with the perfect site access solutions.

Temporary Bridge Solutions at GFI Solutions

Temporary Bridge Solutions at GFI Solutions

Looking for an affordable and robust bridge to ease access for your workers and machinery? GFI Solutions’ TerraCross Bridge is a reliable temporary bridging system that is lightweight, strong, and within your budget. One might wonder whether temporary bridges perform as well as permanent bridges and if they are worth the purchase. Read on to find out!

Quick Installation

Portable bridges are an excellent option for short-term projects as they can be quickly shipped and installed. As the exclusive supplier of Sterling Solutions matting products, GFI Solutions supplies customers with temporary TerraCross bridges that can be installed in as little as two hours to less than a day, depending on the site access, soil conditions, geography etc. The temporary bridges can also be easily installed with standard equipment used to build temporary access roads; however, to properly install the TerraCross bridging system, we recommend that our team of experts carry out the installation. In order to ensure optimum safety, sites are reviewed and/or inspected by trained GFI personnel before installing the TerraCross bridging system.


Worksites with heavy-duty equipment can install the TerraCross 40 as it withstands up to 100 tons of weight. The TerraCross 50 would be a better option for lighter projects as it can handle up to 65 tons of weight.

Engineered with a structural steel design, TerraCross portable bridges are built to provide you with the necessary safety and support you need to maintain a safe and secure worksite. All TerraCross bridges are built using TerraLam 700 CLT mats made from Southern Yellow Pine wood, unlike traditional bolted mats made from Douglas Fir. Even though CLT mats are 40% lighter than conventional mats, they are 30% stronger.

OSHA – Compliant

GFI’s TerraCross bridges are not only safe for machinery and transportation, but they are also safe for your workers as they are OSHA compliant. To allow for safer crossing, solid handrails are pinned to the bridge giving your crew the safety they need to pass over uneven terrain, eliminating worksite injuries and risks.

Geotextile Compliant

Minimizing the risk of contamination is a crucial factor that project owners look for when installing a movable bridge. The TerraCross bridge is often used to create a safe path for vehicles and workers to cross waterways, which is why a geotextile surface is installed with GFI’s temporary bridge to help keep debris from leaving the bridge and accidentally contaminating waterways.

GFI Solutions for All Your Matting Problems

GFI Solutions is proud to offer our clients leading products from Sterling Solutions across Western Canada. Contact our team today to learn more about our CLT mats, temporary bridges and other matting solutions.