No Strain, All Gain! Rig Mats for Sale at GFI Solutions

Winter is just around the corner, are you ready for the deep thaw and next year’s build season? With Canada’s seasons presenting unique challenges to all job sites, GFI Solutions is here to ensure you have the right site access solutions to stay on track and conquer the changing landscape, all year round. As a preferred supplier throughout Western Canada, our inventory includes leading CLT access mats products, as well as access bridges and more and our team proudly partners with those oil & gas, mining, forestry, construction, and related heavy industries when it comes to conquering their work sites!

No matter what challenges your upcoming projects pose, GFI is here to help you succeed, every step of the way. With heavy-duty rig mats available upon demand, you can trust us to have you covered, even when the going gets tough! Learn more about CLT access mats below!

It’s Time for a Reset

We all know that traditional bolted mats have been a constant for decades when it comes to utilizing access mats, but what you may not know is that there’s finally a better alternative waiting to save you time and money. Site safe Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) mats are designed to improve upon the blueprints left by a bolted mat and offer significant benefits like a profile that weighs up to 40% less than bolted mats and a lifecycle that’s 3-5 times longer. In addition, these newer models are able to handle heavy-duty work as well, with the 500 series being capable of taking on rigs and cranes with ease. Best of all, the lower weight of TerraLam® mats means you’ll be able to save significantly when shipping your mats to the site, with each load being capable of carrying up to 60% more than standard bolted mats.

Discover the CLT Difference

CLT rig and access mats are distinct from their competitors due to their groundbreaking manufacturing process. While bolted mats are created by bolting materials together, Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) mats are created by bonding alternating perpendicular layers of wood with an environmentally safe adhesive. This design allows the mats to flex under heavy loads and evenly distribute weight rather than putting stress on specific bolt points. The flexibility of the mats allows for superior durability and performance, even under heavy loads, project after project. Our 500 series is a 5 ply CLT mat that is available in multiple sizes and is well equipped to handle heavy machinery, cranes, and the various demands faced by those in the oil & gas industry. For those who need even more support, we also offer a 700 series which is a 7 ply CLT.

GFI: There When It Matters Most

With decades of combined experience in the access solutions industry, the team at GFI knows just how important it is to have access to reliable, cost-effective solutions when it matters most. Our commitment to our customers extends well beyond offering superior products to exceptional round-the-clock service. From 24/7 rental and sales support to inventory management, mat washing, expedited delivery installation, and more, GFI Solutions is here to ensure that your project has everything you need to continue on schedule.. Contact our team today to learn more.