Find the Access Mats You Need for Your Canadian Worksite

Is your next big project facing the challenges of our Canadian wilderness? Do you need help ensuring your worksite is safe and accessible for your workers and machinery? Our Canadian environments present project managers with several unique obstacles that can be difficult to overcome without suitable accessibility solutions. Access mats can make navigating muddy and swampy terrain straightforward. As Western Canada’s premier supplier of site access products, GFI Solutions is your source for safe site access needs. Below we’ll discuss the application of access mats and how CLT mats, in particular, are beneficial for your project. Continue reading to learn more!

Applications for Access Mats

Access mats support workers and equipment that require a structural roadway to provide stable passage over rugged terrain, pipelines, or protected environments. They’re often used in environmentally sensitive or remote areas like wetlands and swamps to offer a sound foundation. For these reasons, access mats are used across Canadian environments to reduce the risk of environmental cross-contamination, equipment getting stuck, and worker injury.

Access matting has been used in various industrial and commercial applications. This may include temporary or single-use applications such as construction or oil and gas projects where the mats are only required for a short period. However, you can reuse access mats over several projects over multiple seasons in many other industries where challenging terrain or environmental concerns are a factor. At GFI Solutions, our team can assist you in determining the number of access mats your project may require. In addition, we can also provide you with TerraCross access bridges and a range of beneficial services like delivery and installation.

The Perks of CLT Mats

TerraLam Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) mats offer plenty of benefits. From an extended lifespan to its unique eco-friendly adhesive, and more! CLT mats are an excellent option for all types of project sites. These access mats have a 3-5 times longer lifespan than traditional bolted mats and are manufactured sustainably. In particular, CLT mats can save you significant money as they’re lighter and more affordable than traditional bolted access mats. CLT mats save you money on:

  • Transportation costs
  • Maintenance costs
  • Replacement costs
  • Labour costs, and more!

With significant savings in these four areas, CLT mats allow you to reprioritize your project’s funds to other essential areas. At GFI Solutions, our TerraLam CLT access mats can improve your project’s accessibility and safety. As mentioned above, utilizing access mats can save time and money. Our team at GFI can assist you in making your project safe and accessible for your crew and equipment.

Your Trusted Source for Access Solutions

GFI Solutions is proud to offer comprehensive safe site access solutions across Canada. From mat rentals and sales to turnkey services, mat washing and more, GFI is your trusted supplier of TerraLam access solutions. In addition to a significant inventory of high-quality, sustainably sourced access mats, we also offer 24/7 support. That means our team of experts will always be accessible to you to assist you with all of your access questions. So if you’re looking for access solutions you know you can trust, contact us at GFI Solutions today!