Reduce Impact with GFI Environmental Matting
There are regulations for contractors protecting the environment, that ensure that the surrounding area remains impacted as little as possible after the work is performed. These regulations may include:
- Preventing air pollution and ground disturbance
- Prohibiting or managing wildlife interaction
- Tree and vegetation preservation
- Hazardous waste disposal
- And more.
You must operate your construction site in a compliant manner. Keep reading to discover how GFI Solutions’ environmental matting is the perfect solution.
Protect the Environment Around You
GFI Solutions access matting helps prevent hazardous matting waste and protects the ground on the construction site. The CLT access mats are highly durable and stronger than traditional bolted mats. Bolted access mats typically break easier on the job, whereas we designed our CLT environmental matting to be 3-5 times stronger than bolted mats. The result of this is that you get more uses out of them before they begin to break. That being said, when your mat does end up splintering, it’s okay! The wood and adhesive are entirely biodegradable. Plus, GFI’s turn-key services mean our experts can perform your deliveries, installs, and management for you.
Sustainable Access Mats For You
Our GFI Solutions access mats are made to be lightweight to reduce shipping costs, meaning that you save money on transportation costs on top of a higher return on investment. Lighter access mats mean that the cargo takes far less gas to transport, which is both better for the environment and for your pocket. You will also save time by avoiding potential roadblocks caused by the constantly changing Canadian seasons, leaving mud and snow underfoot. Our environmental matting keeps your workers and equipment safe from getting stuck in the mud and snow or slipping on ice. When heavy equipment gets stuck, getting it out can mean a lot of damage to the surrounding habitat as well as unnecessary money and time wasted. Avoid the pain of removing the equipment by using environmental matting.
How GFI Mats are Created to be Environmentally Friendly
We do our best to make sure that you are satisfied with our environmental matting by constructing it from wood from trees that have been allowed to mature for over 20 years. Doing this allows the trees to capture more carbon and clean more air before serving a new purpose as environmental protection from heavy equipment.
GFI Solutions sorts our used mats into different grades, reusing our access mats as long as it is safe and helpful to do so. We offer our customers the choice of using new mats or our used mats. In the winter, used mats are often preferred for outdoor use, as small dents and scratches create better grip for machines and workers.
GFI: Environmental Matting Solutions for All
Whether you are looking to reduce your company’s impact or simply comply with your environmental regulations, matting from GFI Solutions is your answer. With different grades available to rent or buy, GFI can supply you with the access mat resources and services you need to do your part. Contact us today to ask about what grades of mats we currently have available.