Sturdy and Dependable: Rig Mats at GFI Solutions
If your construction, oil & gas, petroleum, rigging, or related heavy industrial site is in need of safe site access solutions that can stand up to the demands of machinery and constant transport, GFI is here to help. As one of Canada’s leading distributors of site-safe CLT access mats, as well as a premier provider of services including delivery and installation, mat washing and more, you can count on our team to have you covered for all your site access needs. Learn more about the benefits of using CLT access mats, as well as partnering with GFI below!
Built Tough, No Compromising
It’s no secret that the heavy industrial sector faces unique challenges when it comes to accommodating the unique needs of their job sites. From handling oversized and heavyweight equipment to transport loads that can weigh far more, the need for matting solutions that make it easy to stay on target is paramount. While traditional bolted mats were once the go-to fix, today’s industry leaders increasingly choose to use Cross-laminated timber (CLT) mats, which offer unbeatable performance, as well as a lightweight profile that allows for faster and cheaper shipping. With mats that are capable of performing under the same demands as standard rig and crane mats and significant savings to be found, it’s no wonder that CLT mats have become the preferred choice when it comes to heavy-duty applications!
CLT Mats: Taking A Closer Look
If you’re one of the many businesses that have been standing by bolted mats for decades but find yourself looking for a more efficient option, you may or may not be familiar with the basics of CLT matting. Unlike bolted mats, Cross-Laminated Timber mats are constructed using alternating perpendicular layers of wood that are then bonded (laminated) with a special environmentally friendly adhesive that leads to optimal strength and safety. The secret to the unbeatable performance of CLT mats comes down to this construction method, which allows the mats to flex under pressure rather than focusing all of the weight on bolted points, which frequently leads to sudden failures.
Additional benefits of using CLT mats include:
- High impact resistance and durability.
- Increased life span (3-5 times that of traditional mats).
- The glue lamination and wax seal on all 4 edges of site-safe CLT mats makes them less vulnerable to moisture and rot.
- Able to withstand the Canadian climate, all year-round.
- Lower shipping costs due to the lightweight nature of the mats (up to 60% more load capacity), and more.
Site Safe CLT Access Mats at GFI Solutions
GFI is proud to be a full-scale solutions provider for the site access industry. Our team offers customers access to 24/7 rental and sales service, as well as mat washing, installation, turnkey services, and more. Learn more about our products including rig and crane mats by contacting our team today!