Jan 4, 2023 | Access Mats, News
Like any asset in your project, you must protect your access mats. Regular maintenance is necessary to extend the life cycle of access mats and maximize your investment. Mat washing is an essential service to ensure that your access mats are clean, uncontaminated and safe for your crew and the site. At GFI Solutions, we understand the risk of cross-contamination and the safety hazards of using unwashed access mats, which is why we provide a dedicated washing and cleaning service for all access mats. Read on to learn more about the importance of mat washing!
Keeping Access Mats Clean
Access mats are installed to create a smooth temporary road for machines and crew to access the site easily. They are built to withstand that weight and provide the necessary support for equipment and workers, and since they’re designed to be used on uneven terrain, they are bound to be covered in mud, dirt and grime. If left uncleaned, your access mats are at a very high risk of premature failure. The longer dirt and mud stay on access mats, the higher the risk of moisture seeping into the wood. This often results in mould and could cause your mats to snap and break under pressure. By maintaining your access mats and ensuring that you are constantly washing and bleaching them after each project, you increase the longevity of your access mats and keep your equipment and crew safe.
Don’t Risk Contamination
As you probably already know, work sites that involve the transportation or the use of chemicals, fuel or other biohazard materials could very well cause harm to the surrounding environment. When using access mats in different locations, you must ensure that you are not carrying over any materials that could cause contamination or damage to the new terrain. With GFI Solutions’ mat washing services, we ensure that all access mats are thoroughly washed and bleached to remove the risk of cross-contamination. Our mat washing service adheres to both Provincial and Federal safety standards to provide our customers with safe site access mats to be used in their upcoming projects.
Gain The Highest Return Of Investment
By maintaining your access mats and ensuring that they are regularly washed and cleaned, you extend their life cycle and therefore maximize your investment. As a contractor or project manager, your aim is to stay within the budget and keep the project in scope. Taking advantage of GFI Solutions’ mat washing service allows you to rely confidently on your access mats and ensure that they are fit for your next project.
Comprehensive Site Access Solutions at GFI Solutions
Our team of experts is happy to offer you mat washing, turnkey, installation, delivery, rental and sales service 24/7. We have proudly partnered with many clients across Western Canada to ensure that all their site access needs are met. Contact our team today for more information about our products and services.
Sep 27, 2022 | Access Mats, News
Your project site needs to be easily accessible for workers, equipment, and other resources; otherwise, your work can quickly stall. Delays can cause significant setbacks to your project, ultimately driving up costs and putting you over budget. Fortunately, access mats can provide your project with a safe way to navigate your site. At GFI Solutions, we offer a range of access matting solutions for every project site. So if you’re looking for an affordable access solution, CLT access mats from GFI are an excellent option for your worksite. We even offer rental options, so you can try our CLT access mats before buying! Below we’ll discuss some benefits of renting CLT access mats from GFI Solutions. Continue reading to learn more.
Advantages of Renting CLT Access Mats
Cross Laminated Timber mats or CLT mats can offer your work site various advantages. To begin, TerraLam CLT mats are designed to withstand our wild Canadian temperatures, from cold winters that get down to -55℃ (-70℉) to hot summer days that get as warm as 65℃ (150℉). Even in inclement weather, TerraLam CLT mats stay walkable. They have a sturdy and rough top that prevents slip and trip hazards. That way, your worksite is safe and secure for your workers and equipment.
You can get more mats per delivery when renting CLT mats from GFI Solutions. This is because CLT mats are 40% lighter than traditional bolted mats, so you can transport up to 25% more mats. This weight reduction means you can save money on delivery costs and not wait for your entire order of mats to be delivered in multiple loads. CLT mats also have a 3-5 times longer lifespan than traditional bolted mats. So more mats per load and a long lifecycle mean your project saves significant time and money. Renting access mats from GFI Solutions is simple. Our team is dedicated to providing you with top-notch customer service and several other incredible benefits.
Benefits of Partnering with GFI Solutions
Our top priority is your satisfaction. At GFI Solutions, our team understands the importance of accessing the safe site access solutions you need to keep your project operating smoothly. We offer round-the-clock customer support to ensure you always have the answers to your questions. Aside from our high-quality customer service, GFI Solutions also provides a variety of other services, including:
- Turnkey services
- Inventory management
- Manufacturing
- Delivery and Installation
- Mat washing
- Rentals
- Planning and consultation, and more!
At GFI Solutions, our experienced team can ensure you get the access solutions you need to operate a safe worksite. Regardless of how challenging your project site is or other concerns, you may have, GFI is here to help!
Get a Quote Today!
If you’ve been looking for safe site-access mats that protect the environment, your workers, and equipment, CLT mats from GFI Solutions are your best option. As one of Canada’s premier suppliers of TerraLam CLT mats, our team is here to help you with all of your access questions. GFI Solutions is your trusted source for all your matting needs, from traditional bolted mats to access bridges and incredible customer service. We know how vital it is to have the access solutions you need to keep your project safe; that’s why we offer access mat rentals. If you’re interested in learning more about renting access mats from GFI Solutions, or you’re looking for a quote on mat rentals, contact our team today!