1. How/Why Are CLT Mats More Durable Than Competitors?
CLT mats have been engineered to improve on both the strengths and weaknesses of traditional bolted matting and offer increased durability and performance due to their ability to flex under pressure. When handling heavy loads, CLT mats evenly distribute weight through the entire surface of the mat as opposed to relying on bolted points to carry the strain. As well, the unique adhesive barrier acts as a protective measure against rot and decay, prolonging the life of your mats and giving you better ROI over time.
2. Can CLT Mats Be Repaired?
Yes. As cross-laminated timber mats are made of a solid block of wood, necessary repairs can be completed easily and typically at a much lower cost than bolted access mats. In addition, CLT mats function better and present less of a risk when damaged because they do not pose the risk of puncture injuries to crews or equipment.
3. What is the Life Cycle of CLT Mats?
CLT access mats have a life cycle that is 3-5x that of traditional bolted mats thanks to the unique bonding process used to join planks together. The CLT mats offered by GFI are made with southern yellow pine, which is exceptionally durable, and the adhesive used to bind planks adds protection against moisture and rot long term. Simply put, you can count on CLT mats to last, job after job.
4. Can CLT Mats Connect?
Yes. All mats offered by GFI Solutions can be tethered together in order to create a seamless road and platform for your job site. When needed, mats can also be outfitted for interconnecting fingers for optimal convenience.
5. Are SiteSafe™ CLT Mats Environmentally Friendly?
Yes. CLT mats are constructed using a special method and that glues planks together with an environmentally safe adhesive. In addition, the majority of the CLT mats carried by GFI are crafted from high quality southern yellow pine, which can be grown much faster than oak or Douglas fir and have a life cycle that is 3-5 longer than the average mat, meaning that you have to purchase far fewer in the long run.
6. What Sizes Do You Carry?
GFI carries CLT mats in a wide range of sizes and configurations, including 3 and 5-ply configurations. Custom sizes are available upon request.
7. How Do CLT Mats Perform in Extreme Conditions?
One of the major benefits of site-safe CLT access mats is their performance in adverse conditions. CLT mats remain fully operational in temperatures as low as -70°F and as high as 150°F and can be easily cleared of mud, snow, and ice for optimal convenience.

8. What is the Longevity of CLT Mats?
CLT mats are remarkably durable and constructed to last up to 3-5 times longer than traditional bolted mats. The wood’s existing water within planks helps cure the unique adhesive used, creating an exceptional bond that stands up to moisture, pressure, and demanding circumstances.
9. Do You Carry Additional Site Access Products?
Yes. GFI Solutions is a full-scale provider when it comes to site access solutions. We carry access mats as well as access bridges and offer a wide range of support including delivery and installation, and turnkey services.
10. Do You Offer Rental Solutions?
Yes. GFI offers rental services alongside our sales all throughout Canada.